Monday, August 15, 2011


Hi Nana and Popa, Nathan and other people! You are going to love this! I have a laptop at school. I love my school!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

my brother

my brother is a mess he is now two. i love to play with him. Even though he is very stubborn. i love him so i can squeeze he to death.he does not like it when we go through the car wash.So when we go past a gas station i say can we go through a car wash? and then mom sometimes says no so i say pretty please and if she says no i will say you look a lot skinnier and then i no what she will say. she will say what do you want today and i will say to go through a car wash she will say yes. so thats how i get my way. so do not let your childeren do that.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Go! Kentucky! Kentucky wins! I was hoping Kentucky would win. I have to start saving money for a I pod touch! My mom said I can not have I phone. But it is only $49 I said. Mom said that it was a hundred something dollars. I ask bryer if he wanted a I pod he said yes. BYE!